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  • After Cease-Fire Agreement, U.S. Army Battalion set to train Ukraine’s Army

    Ukraine's National Guard will be Trained and Equipped by the U.S. Army.  Both the DoD and State Department have notified the U.S. Congress of the intent to use $19 million in Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF) authority to train and equip four companies and one tactical headquarters of the Ukrainian National Guard, as part of their efforts to build their capacity for internal defense.  Ukraine's National Guard continues to play a direct role in responding to the current crisis in the East of Ukraine, as well as ensuring Ukraine's internal security. 

  • Flash News GMCstream 5-1-22 NGA’s AI use in Ukraine War

    Flash News GMCStream 5-1-22 NGA’s AI in Ukraine. The “National Geospatial Agency (NGA) will take over Project Maven, the Pentagon’s key artificial intelligence program designed to identify individual objects out of a massive amount of surveillance data.The NGA is commonly understood as the intelligence agency in charge of processing and analyzing satellite imagery, but it also leads the intelligence community’s efforts to map the Earth and process other types of overhead imagery.

  • GMCStream Flash News 5-1-24-The British Challenger 3

    “The BAE SYSTEMS-British Challenger 3 has been unveiled as the UK’s newest and most lethal main battle tank (MBT)?” - The Challenger 3 is produced by modernizing existing Challenger 2 MBTs with 127 planned for conversion from the UK’s existing 221 Challenger 2s; 127

  • GMCStream Flash News - 8-8-22-DOD Ukraine $9.1Billion for Arms

    USD (Policy) Dr. Kahl Press Conference/AUG. 8, 2022/Dr. Colin Kahl, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy – More millions to USA Defense Contractors-Joining us today is Dr. Colin Kahl, the undersecretary of Defense for policy. Dr. Kahl will open with a statement which highlights the next round of security assistance for Ukraine under the BIDEN presidential drawdown authority. We'll then open up to the room and to the phones for Q&A. We have around a 30-minute hard stop today, so we'll do our best to get around as best we can.

  • GMCStream FLASH NEWS – 3/21/22- US DOD's Bio-Weapons

    Bio-Weapons Labs in War

    Historical -According to historical records, “During World War I, the German Army developed anthrax, glanders, cholera, and a wheat fungus specifically for use as biological weapons. They allegedly spread plague in St. Petersburg, Russia

  • GMCStream Flash News – US Army’s Atlantic Resolve - 3,000 US Army troops to EU- July 14, 2023

    Background on “Atlantic Resolve” (2014-2023)

    On December 9, 2015 Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, commander, U.S. Army Europe, spoke to an audience that “We have 30,000 American soldiers -- U.S. Army -- that are U.S. Army Europe. And so we work as part of U.S. European Command. We're the land component under U.S. European Command.

  • GMCStream Flash News 1/25/24- Military Power 2024 USA vs Russia

    Global Firepower Index: The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation surpassed all countries of the world in many indicators. “The compilers of the Global Firepower Index, which is published under the auspices of the British University of St. Andrews, compared the main indicators of the Russian and US armies. Russia Federation took 1st place in the strength of the ground forces, Russia has almost 2.5 times more tanks than the United States, 4-fold superiority in the number of self-propelled artillery installations, and 7-fold in towed artillery. Russia has almost 5 times more multiple rocket launchers than the United States and has superiority in the number of trained military reserves.

  • GMCStream Flash News 11-1-22 Ukraine Pathway to Nuclear WAR

    Assessments:( Number ONE:) Russian President Vladimir Putin will try to continue conventional military operations in Ukraine to hold currently occupied territories, gain new ground, and set conditions for the collapse of Western support for Ukraine that he expects to occur this winter.

  • GMCStream Flash News 12-23-22 - Ukraine’s Patriot Fix?

    Greatest USA Space and Military Defense Companies- Lockheed Martin built NASA’s first Mars lander and has been a part of every NASA Mars mission since. We are ready to deliver to the future, faster. Lockheed Martin Corp LMT: NYSE- Lockheed Martin Corporation is a global security company that primarily researches, designs, develops, manufactures, and integrates advanced technology products and services. The Company businesses span space, telecommunications, electronics, information and services, aeronautics, energy, and systems integration.
  • GMCStream Flash News 3-5-23 China's Peace Plan for Ukraine

    China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis 2023-02-24 09:00 (Mao Ning: "On the Ukraine issue, China’s position has all along been objective and fair. We are committed to promoting talks for peace and working for the political settlement of the crisis. We always stand on the side of peace and dialogue. The US has been pouring lethal weapons into the battlefield in Ukraine, fanning up the flames and spreading disinformation. We are firmly against that.

  • GMCStream FLASH NEWS 3/26/22 -Nuland’s "War Doors"

    Maidan -Nuland’s War Doors with Iraq, Ukraine, Russia

    Russian Political Version of Trident

    “Khazaria is a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state created by the Turks in 650 on the territory of modern Ukraine, the Lower Volga region and the North Caucasus. According to Artamonov and many other scientists, the Slavic farmers were able to colonize the forest-steppe zone of modern Ukraine

  • GMCStream Flash News 4-9-23 DOD announces Ukraine Arms

    April 4, 2023, the Department of Defense (DoD) announces critical new security assistance for Ukraine. This includes the authorization of a Presidential Drawdown of security assistance with more ammunition for U.S.-provided HIMARS, air defense interceptors, and artillery rounds that Ukraine is using to defend itself,

  • GMCstream Flash News 5-19-22 Ukraine Missiles- AGM-114L Longbow?

    AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire missiles – Manufactured primarily by Lockheed Martin in Orlando Florida.Is Ukraine buying for use against Russian Forces?

  • GMCstream Flash News 5-3-22 Ukraine- A Clear Look at Reality

    Ukraine – A Nation of Conflicts and Corruption

    Comecon standing for Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, was formed under the aegis of the Soviet Union in 1949 (until 1991) to respond to the formation of the Committee of European Economic Cooperation in western Europe in 1948. Its purpose was to facilitate and coordinate the economic development of the eastern European countries belonging to the Soviet bloc. (Comecon was not a western organization against the export of

  • GMCStream Flash News 7-17-22 –Ukraine Conflict -Drones

    Ancient War Machines

    Since the beginning of warfare, military planners and generals dreamed of engineered machines to destroy military enemies first before they could inflict any destruction upon their own military forces

  • GMCStream Flash News 9-14-23 War, Money, and America’s Future-

    “Why is the uni party risking a war we’re so ill-prepared to fight? When Richard Nixon lost the election to John F. Kennedy, Nixon told supporters, “I know Jack Kennedy. He’s a patriot.” Nixon knew that the nation would be safe in President Kennedy’s hands. Most Americans do not have the same confidence in President Biden. In April 2023, fewer than four in ten U.S. adults (37 percent) said they approved of Joe Biden’s job performance as president, with six in ten saying they disapproved. By a 2-to-1 margin, American voters now believe controlling the U.S. border is more important than helping Ukraine fight Russia.

  • GMCStream Flash News of 11/9/2023-Ukraine War Lessons

    “A significant cultural shift during the early years of the global war on terror led to the development and adoption of capabilities and tactics to counter improvised explosive devices (IEDs).Today, unmanned aerial systems (UASs) pose a threat similar to that of IEDs. The Marine Corps must develop counter-UAS (C-UAS) tools to improve battlefield survivability service-wide,

  • GMCSTREAM FlashNews 7-9-'23 – Ukraine War -What’s next?

    Where is the NATO Ukraine War Is Headed. A well known scholar address that question in his article "“The Darkness Ahead: Where the Ukraine War Is Headed.” It is included in its entirety. First, is a meaningful peace agreement possible?

  • GMCStream Global MILCOMM Report on (AI) May 16, 2023

    Is (AI) the answer to USA’s Military’s Superior War advantage? What is AI all about?

    The DOD document reads “AI is rapidly changing a wide range of businesses and industries,” It is also poised to change the character of the future battlefield and the pace of threats we must face.” A recent Law Seminar Overview texted that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the fastest-growing industries today. It is slated to add more than $15 trillion to the economy over the next six years. The demand has never been higher for lawyers who understand Artificial Intelligence,

  • GMCStream Report- Funded Ukraine-gets Cluster Bombs July 10, 2023

    According to documentation from the US White House, America’s Defense Contractors will provide, as Zelensky ordered, 200,000 rounds of artillery Shells /month to the US Congress and $145 billion to the Ukraine State. (i.e.-Russia MOD uses 200,000 rounds each four days). Why would the Democratic Party controlled by the White House, the US Senate, and the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III, want to violate another treaty against the use of Cluster Bombs in a Conflict? A closer look is required. Did the US DOD use Cluster Bombs in other of its many Undeclared Wars?

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About GMCstream

GMCStream, a Delaware LLC -is an American Veteran Owned print and digital publication that tracks the trends, drivers, and technologies that fuel the Aerospace and Defense communication sectors. Established in 2013 as a technology driven digital on-line publishing organization - We research, analyze, and highlight MILCOM problems and solutions that may affect Global National Security.

GMCStream based in Raleigh NC High-tech Triangle with Management and Support staff in Silicon Valley California. GMCStream was founded by Richard Theodor Kusiolek, an expert in Satellite Communications, Cyber Security, Defense, and Aerospace platforms with private sector experience and expertise in international business development and strategy, particularly in America, China, Japan, Ukraine, and Russia. The company is growing organically into a specialized niche media and technology company providing real-time streaming face-to-face video interviews and coverage on a variety of topics including Government Policy, Space and Missile systems, cyber-warfare, Defense Networks. Artificial Intelligence, STEM career webinars, and Moon-Mars explorations.